(character count: 160; without title: 139)

What I Might Do Today


2-Write 2 pages and 5 Twitterstories

3- Fold Laundry (optional)

4- Pay Bills (optional)


6-Read at least 50 pages

7-Stop making lists
(character count: 145; without title: 138)


No electricity. In the half-light dawn, felled trees covered the street, houses, lawns. Who could we blame? How do you avenge a hurricane?

(character count: 164; without title: 137)

Your Pain Will Set You Free

He sat in the car, waves crashing over the frozen railing. If she was home, he didn't want to see her leave.

He'd drive permanently south.

(character count: 158; without title: 140)

'X' Marks The Spot

We had dug twelve holes before we realized the map was wrong. How to dispose of the shovels before mom used them on us was now the question.
(character count: 173; without title: 140)

Q & A With an Exasperated Writer

Q: How did you come up with the idea for your new book?

A: Yes.

Q: Mmm...do you worry the angry tone will upset your old fans?

A: I like cheese.