(character count: 132; with title, 140)


In the dark confines of the house sit the shadows of memories of all who have passed before. With a little effort, you can find them.
This is an announcement for a new feature, a new page on this website: Lines I Love. We all, as readers, have them, lines that make us laugh, reflect, cry; descriptions that make us cringe, pull our knees tightly together in fear and empathy, a visceral reaction to the material being read. Sometimes, in the middle of what might be an otherwise hapless story or thoroughly average novel, the writer weaves a phrase that so delights us, we have to re-read it in momentary praise and condemnation: praise and awe over the beauty of the emotions the author has captured and the way in which he or she said it, and condemnation for the fact that we didn't think of it first.
As this feature (and website) evolves I may include an explanation as to why I love these particular lines or passages. As of now there is no rhyme, no reason, no order. Feel free to visit the page and see what types of writing and phrasing tickles my arbitrary fancy. Feel free to disagree. Feel free to leave comments of some of your own favorite lines. Those submitted will be added to the page, with attribution.
I leave you lines from "The Origin of Love" from the film Hedwig and the Angry Inch. The lyrics near the end of the song, listed below, sums up the intentions of most writers, well, at least my intentions, better than I could ever hope to: to show the pain inside each of our characters (and us) and, hopefully, by showing that pain, to help them (and us) heal:

But I could swear by your expression
that the pain down in your soul
was the same as the one down in mine.
- John Cameron Mitchell, "The Origin of Love"

As tonight are the Academy Awards, I thought I would treat readers to a double feature Twitterstory, featuring Academy Award winning actresses Meryl Streep and Sally Field. That's right, readers: TWO Twitterstories for the price of one. And the weekly schedule will continue as planned.
So without further ado, please enjoy today's Oscar-themed Twitterstory Double-Feature:

The Perfect Alibi

(character count: 156, without title: 139)

She removed the knife from her victim's back and wiped it on a towel she pulled from her purse. They would never suspect her, Meryl Streep.

When Carrie Met Sally

(character count: 161, without title: 139)

"Because I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!" She was then hit by what she thought was a tomato. She was wrong.

(character count: 124, with title: 134)


"How was I supposed to know the rooster would react like that?"

Dad just shook his head and squirted more hydrogen peroxide.

(character count: 145, without title: 130)

Special Effects

(Lights off) A gunshot.

Something is dragged across stage. (Lights on)

He sits, shaking, head in hands.

All part of the scene, right?

(character count: 119)

Moments We Don't Know

When we fall asleep; when that song finally leaves our head; when they fall out of love with you.
(character count: 147; without title: 140)


I was a disappointment. But how often can you screw up before disappointment becomes expected. At that point are you still a disappointment?
(character count: 146: without title: 119)

Honesty is the Best Policy

"I used to want to know where you went at night. But now, I just want to know that you won't ask me the same question."

(character count: 122, without title: 108)

A Little Soul

When I was younger, the doctor said not to worry about it, that my soul would get bigger.

I'm still waiting.

(character count: 150; without title, 125)

Was It Something I Said?

Over the years our parties were less and less attended. Until finally, just me and my vodka were the only ones who showed up.